Student Guidelines

 Student Guidelines

Student Guidelines for Vikas Engineering College

Nurturing Respect, Purposeful Learning, and Personal Growth

Crafting a Culture of Excellence

As you embark on your journey at our institution, shaping a better future for yourselves, your families, and your communities, we’ve carefully crafted these guidelines. Each one is designed to support you throughout your academic tenure with us. Your cooperation and commitment to these guidelines will not only help you become the best version of yourself but also contribute to
a strong community of learners.

  1. Value Your Identity as an Ambassador:
    ➔ Remember, you represent the institution wherever you go, similar to your family name.
    ➔ Your behavior shapes perceptions and reflects the reputation of your family and the
    institution. As the institute’s reputation soars, so does the respect you get from those
    around you.
  2. Engage Actively:
    ➔ Participate wholeheartedly in classroom discussions and activities, promoting growth for
    both you and your peers.
    ➔ Seek understanding beyond memorization; ask questions, start discussions, and solve
    problems on your own.
    ➔ Embrace learning for personal growth, moving beyond just seeking a certificate.
    ➔ Your active involvement enriches the learning experience for everyone.
  3. Attend with Purpose:
    ➔ Understand that regular attendance benefits both you and your peers; sharing
    knowledge and group participation increase learning.
    ➔ Attending classes isn’t just a formality; it’s an investment in your education and future.
    ➔ Commit to attending classes with the intention to learn, engage, and contribute.
    ➔ Missing any session means missing an opportunity for growth.
  4. Equal Evaluation and Fairness:
    ➔ Avoid expecting special treatment from teaching or non-teaching faculty, especially in
    academic evaluations.
    ➔ All students will be assessed and treated without any partiality or bias. Any reports of
    biased treatment will be addressed strictly for the benefit of all students.
    ➔ Under exceptional cases, requests for additional support must be directly submitted to
    the principal or concerned department HOD for approval.
  5. Value Resources Invested and Education Opportunity:
    ➔ Recognize the value of the time, money, and efforts invested in your education.
    ➔ Make the most of this investment through active involvement and dedication.
    ➔ Remember that not everyone has the privilege of education; treasure this chance to
    learn, grow, and shape your path.
  6. Faculty-Student Partnership:
    ➔ Respect the important role of teachers and express gratitude for their guidance.
    ➔ Consider our faculty as mentors on your educational journey; make the most of their
    knowledge and insights.
  7. Use Technology with Purpose:
    ➔ Use mobile phones thoughtfully and avoid distractions during class.
    ➔ Utilize technology when needed and in designated learning spaces. Don’t ignore the
    value of face to face interactions with classmates, faculty, and your surroundings.
  8. Mastery through Exams, Assignments and Self-Reflection:
    ➔ Recognize exams as opportunities to apply your knowledge and solidify understanding.
    ➔ Prepare for and attend every exam conducted in your class. Analyze your performance,
    identify strengths, weaknesses, and plan for improvement. This preparation will benefit
    you in various presentations and knowledge application opportunities during your job,
    higher education, or any competitive exams
    ➔ Ask for feedback and use it to improve your learning approach and personal
    ➔ Embrace challenges; completing assignments independently and on time strengthens
    your learning journey.
  9. Respect Your Campus Space:
    ➔ Dedicate classrooms, labs, library for focused learning and collaboration.
    ➔ Treat the campus like your second home; keep it clean and handle all college resources
    with care.
    ➔ Turn off lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Be mindful of electricity and water
    resources; avoid unnecessary use, especially when classrooms are well-lit with sunlight.
  10. Uphold Professionalism in Appearance and Conduct:
    ➔ Dress according to the established dress code, with ID cards visible at all times.
    ➔ Avoid being in the grounds during class timings; return to classes on time after break
    ➔ Students with regular attendance can share feedback for the betterment of their
    education at Vikas.
    ➔ Any involvement in malicious activities such as bullying, fighting, stealing, or damaging
    college property will result in serious disciplinary actions.


By following these guidelines, you’ll not only excel in your studies but also create a positive environment for everyone.

Let’s work together to build a bright future, one step at a time.