Employee Guidelines

 Employee Guidelines

Employee Code of Conduct

  1. Dress Code & ID Compliance: All faculty members are expected to adhere to a formal dress code and must wear their ID cards prominently
    while on campus.
  2. Classroom Mobile Phone Policy: The use of mobile phones in the classroom is strictly prohibited to ensure an uninterrupted and focused learning environment. It is encouraged to have your mobile phone in the staff room itself. If you have to carry a mobile phone for any reason it has to be in silent mode without any vibration.
  3. Language Etiquette: Faculty members are required to use proper and respectful language at all times when communicating within the campus.
  4. Attendance Expectations: Irregular attendance is not acceptable, and faculty members are expected to consistently attend their assigned classes and duties.
  5. Punctuality to Classes: Faculty should aim to be in their respective classes at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to ensure smooth transitions.
  6. Zero Tolerance for Bullying & Making Fun: Spreading rumors or making fun of others is strictly forbidden, and all faculty members are expected to engage in respectful and positive communication.

  7. Accountability for Time & Location: Faculty members must promptly inform relevant authorities of their whereabouts during school hours if there are any changes from their planned schedules.

  8. Prohibition of Forceful Actions & Threats: Any attempt to force or threaten students, faculty, or anyone associated with the campus is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary measures.

  9. Maintaining Professional Boundaries: Teachers are expected to uphold a professional relationship with students at all times. This includes refraining from asking students to perform personal tasks, such as fetching snacks, or sharing their own snacks with students. Additionally, teachers should avoid speaking negatively about other faculty members in the presence of students.

Faculty Guidelines

  1. Professionalism:
    ➔ Communicate professionally, maintaining a respectful and courteous tone in interactions with students and colleagues.
    ➔ Exercise authority responsibly, promoting an environment of trust, openness, and mutual respect, rather than using it to create unfair advantages for specific individuals or groups.
    ➔ Ensure the confidentiality of student information is respected and protected.
    ➔ Refrain from criticism or negative remarks that could harm the institution’s reputation.
  2. Integrity:
    ➔ Uphold honesty, fairness, and academic rigor.
    ➔ Avoid any actions that encourage plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty.
    ➔ Adhere to ethical guidelines and regulations in research work.
  3. Collaboration:
    ➔ Collaboration and teamwork among faculty are essential for delivering quality education across all departments. Share knowledge, resources, and best practices to support each other and benefit students.
    ➔ Promote a respectful and inclusive learning environment valuing diversity and offering equal opportunities to all students.
  4. Impartiality and Fairness:
    ➔ Treat all students equally, irrespective of personal preferences or external influences.
    ➔ Grading, assessment, and feedback should be based on objective criteria applicable to all students.
    ➔ Zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or any biased behavior. Prompt action should be taken to address such issues.
  5. Continuous Learning:
    ➔ Engage in ongoing professional development activities to enhance teaching skills, subject knowledge, and pedagogical approaches.
    ➔ Stay updated with the latest advancements in the field and integrate them into your teaching practices.