Student Committees & Student Hubs

Student Committees & Student Hubs

Student Committee (Inspire)

INSPIRE (Innovative Student Platform for Involvement, Representation, and Empowerment) is a pioneering initiative by Vikas Educational Institutions, designed to revolutionize the campus experience. By fostering involvement, promoting representation, and empowering students, INSPIRE aims to create a lively, supportive, and inclusive academic community. This initiative connects students with the broader Vikas Family, including leadership, faculty, and non-teaching staff. It’s about preparing students for future challenges and nurturing leaders who will drive innovation and inspire change.

Head of Student Clubs & Student Affairs

Imagine a campus where Student Clubs thrive under enthusiastic guidance.

This role approves and oversees new student clubs, ensuring they follow college guidelines while creating a lively campus culture.

The head serves as a trusted contact for student concerns, addressing issues with care and confidentiality, creating an engaging and supportive environment.

Head of Events & Marketing

Bringing Creativity and Organization to life, this position manages all major college events, from guest lectures to freshman parties. The role involves promoting events on social media to maximize student engagement and ensuring timely reports with event summaries and photos, capturing the spirit of our vibrant campus life.

Head of Academics

For those passionate about Academic Excellence, this role is crucial. It involves gathering and analyzing student feedback, monitoring academic progress, and making sure college hours are used effectively. By keeping the community informed about placements and employability skills, this position shapes the academic journey of students, maintaining high standards across all departments.

Head of Training & Placements

Shaping the future of Student Careers, this role focuses on organizing and evaluating useful training sessions and placement opportunities. Working with alumni to support training and placements helps prepare students for their careers, bridging the gap between education and employment.

Head of Communication

Ensuring Clear and Consistent Communication, this role keeps the entire student body informed and engaged. By sharing important announcements and opportunities, and working closely with the Marketing team, this position helps all students stay connected, fostering a strong community.

Head of Campus Maintenance & Infrastructure

Taking care of the Campus Environment, this role addresses maintenance issues quickly to ensure a good learning atmosphere. It involves making the best use of existing facilities and pushing for improvements that enhance the quality of academic and student life on campus, directly impacting the daily experiences of all students.


is set to Transform The Campus Experience at Vikas College of Engineering & Technology, preparing students for a lifetime of success and leadership. Join us and be part of this dynamic and empowering educational environment.

Student Committee Members

Student Hubs

Discover your Skills & Interests while learning and making valuable connections! Student Hubs are engaging places for both personal and professional growth. They provide an opportunity for students to connect with like-minded peers, build soft skills, and gain valuable experience in organizing and leading activities. Whether you’re interested in technology, the arts, sports, nature, public speaking, or innovation in your core area, there’s a Hub for you to thrive and grow.

Toastmasters Hub

Toastmasters Hub

Sharpen your communication & public speaking skills through fun, interactive activities

Clutural Arts Hub

Clutural Arts Hub

Its a fantastic way to nurture your skills, gain experience and connect with fellow talented individuals.

Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub

Collaborate, create, and advance your ideas in a dynamic space for innovative thinkers.

Techmasters Hub

Techmasters Hub

Its a fantastic way to nurture your skills, gain experience and connect with fellow talented individuals.

Literature Hub

Literature Hub

Immerse yourself in the world of literature, discuss favorite books, and connect with fellow bookworms.


Joining a Student Hub is more than just an extracurricular activity; it’s a journey of self-discovery, skill development, and lifelong friendships. Get involved and make the most of your college experience by participating in a Hub that excites you.

Your Journey Begins Here: Admissions at
Vikas College

Unlocking Potential, Opening Doors to the Future.